
A list of all the posts and pages found on the site. For you robots out there is an XML version available for digesting as well.



A Lesson in Procrastination.

less than 1 minute read


So there I was, writing my PhD thesis, when I had the sudden thought: “Hey, my website could look a lot better. It could also be a greater asset for showcasing my work. I know, I will redo my website…”


Fornax 3D project: Automated detection of planetary nebulae in the centres of early-type galaxies and first results

Spriggs, T. W. et al (2020). "Paper Title Number 1." Journal 1. 1(1).

This is my first, first authored, journal article, presenting my PNe detection methods and first results.

The Fornax3D project: Planetary nebulae catalogue and independent distance measurements to Fornax cluster galaxies

Your Name, You. (2010). "Paper Title Number 2." Journal 1. 1(2).

Fornax3D project: Catalogue of the Planetary Nebulae detected across 21 of the Early type galaxies, along with independent distances to each galaxy.



Engineering Applications of Mathematics

Undergraduate course, University of Hertfordshire, 2018

A PC lab based class where I helped answer individual student questions while they worked through worksheets. I also led a few of these sessions.

Further Engineering Mathematics

Undergraduate course, University of Hertfordshire, 2019

During this course, I led tutorial sessions that had students attend and answer questions from weekly homework. I made sure to keep students engaged by asking their input when solving problems on the board.

Foundations of Cosmology

Workshop, University of Hertfordshire, 2019

Assisted with Observatory sessions, helping students with telescope configuration and related questions: both cosmology and observational.

Cyber Security: Penetration Testing

Masters course, University of Hertfordshire, 2019

Due to my knowledge of the Linux command line, I was asked to help teach tutorials in Cyber-Security Penetration Testing. My favourite achievement was introducing the vim text editor, and no one asked how to exit vim. I learnt a lot from this class, both to better deliver the material, and to feed my curiosity round Penetration testing.

Foundations of Data Science

Masters course, University of Hertfordshire, 2020

Guided students through a series of Python based practical sessions, where I explained the methods and application of useful python libraries for data science. This included preparing and running classification routines from scikit-learn, along with insights into Machine Learning best practises.